Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Age...

So, I found out a new pet peeve of mine. I really really really dislike when people do not believe how old I am and ask me to prove it to them. Fols, I am 25!! I should know my own age and have no reason t lie about it. And then I constantly get the "oh you look so young, you'll appreciate it when you get older." ggrrr! i know get mad when they think they look older, but it's the same for when people look younger too.. trust me i know! I just thought this might be a good tpic for a blog, maybe get some feedback and such! Well I think that is all! Later folks!

1 comment:

  1. I can totally sympathize with you there!!! I get that alllllll the time. The most annoying thing about it is probably being in a profession and having people assume that you just started... 7 years is not a LOOOONG time to be teaching, but it's long enough that I have a handle on things. I feel like I get "new teacher" treatment a lot.
