Monday, May 10, 2010

So it's been almost 2 months...

I'm sorry blogging world for missing out on you for sooo long.. Sooo much has happened it's quite ridiculous!!

I chopped my hair off! It's the shortest it has ever been!! It eventually grew on me and most days I seem to like it!

Let's start with the warrior Dash!! Such an amazing time to share with one of my besties and my brother!! The whole race was not as hard as we thought it would be, but it was still a great physical challenge to take on! My brother and Osanna kept pace with me the whole time, it was sweet of them. Our motto was to leave no man behind! We started and finished all together!! The funniest thing was probably when a girl in the mud pit caught herself on me... no one noticed that i had hand prints on my butt and lower back until after we rinsed off! It was quite entertaining!

Next.. well I passed the AEPA, which certifies me to teach in the state of AZ! Such and amazing thing to happen for me... I had many doubts in my mind that I was not going to pass that test.. And now after passing it, I sort of want to stay in AZ and teach here.. But I could possibly be ever so slightly be letting a friend down by making this decision.. it's soo crazy but I am pretty sure I am going to stay. But which city I will be in is another question!

Next.. I started my new internship in the preschool! I LOVED it sooo much! Those kids were sooo sweet and amazingly adorable! It was amazing to see how much progress they made in their social skills and name recognition in the 7 weeks that I was there. My mentor was great and the other ladies I got to interact with were wonderful as well! I was very sad to say goodbye last friday!

Now to omve on to the now.. Well i am the proud owner of two rats.. Journey and Flint Lockwood! Love them both!! They are soooo stinkin' cute! Could not have chose any cuter of rats!!! They both have beautiful facemarks that make them unique!!! Osanna got me into them... 3 weeks ago I might have been like "rats?!' no way! But now its i love my rats!!!

And now as I move into the end of this week I find myself thinking about graduation but not worrying.. which is weird cause last week i was an emotional wreck... I think it hit me but then it went away... I'm sure on Friday as they call my name I'll either be smiling or crying.. It's kind of how it is with me! But all I know is that this part of my Journey is over and now it's time to begin this new part... I'm scared out of my mind of the unknown, but am trying to welcome the change that this new part of life will bring.... will i live here or there? will i dye my hair? will i get a new car? will i move away far? I'm not sure what's in the cards for me... but I am sure that I'll always be me! (just made that up!) but it's true, ill be me wherever I go and bring my friends with me, most likely not physically but will ALWAYS keep in contact... because be honest without them.. I would not be me... Especially the two ladies that I know will read this blog first... Meeting Kristen and Osanna totally and compltely changed my life in an absolutely amazing way!!! They have been some of the best gifts I could ever recieve!! Love you guys! This blog is for you!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So much in just a few days!

Friday- Friday consisted of my last day in my second grade classroom... :( soo sad! They made some of the most amazing cards I've ever been given! They were all soo special! We had a pizza party, and played some fun learning games. They also had their "Tea at the White House!" This was them dressing up as a famous person in history, the read a book on them and did a report, and then at the presentation they sang patriotic songs and then were interviewed by parents about their famous person! It was so much fun, not gonna lie.. I teared up a bit cause it was like watching my babies grow up!!! I love them, one of the more interesting characters there.. Jesus! It was too cute! And then hearing on of my favorite kids prounounce Hungary ( Hun-gary) We had a funny arguement over it! Friday night consisted of a fun night of roller skating! I had not been roller skating in YEARS! It was crazy, hurt the shins a bit much, but it was enjoyable! Osanna kicked butt at it! She's pretty much pro!!

Saturday- This was probably my busiest day!! Half og my morning was spent in the car driving with Osanna to the Renaissance Festival! The drive sucked with all the traffic, but once we got there it was sooo worth it!!! I always go there to specifically watch, The London Broil< and they were more amazing than ever this year!! Loved so hard I cried at them! But there was also a new group there this time, Barely Balanced! They were absolutely hilarious and amazing and fun to watch! One of my new favorite things to do there now! Then we did lots of walking around, and had to rush back, for me. Because that night was the opening of the Spring races!!! So, I had to race over to meet Sara and David and the kids to head out there! It was such a grrreat night! It got bitterly cold (note to self, next time dressing wayyyy warmer!!) But overall tons of fun! I had little Kylee zipped in my jacket with me, with her sound asleep! The only bummer part was that Hannah'a asthma started acting up, so we had to leave around 1145pm and take little missy to the kid's ER. I stayed at the house with the rest of the kids so Sara and David could be with Hannah, thank goodness, she came home at about 3am and was her perfectly peppy and happy self! I pray one day that her asthma clears up a little. She doesn't deserve to go to the ER for the major breathing treatments as much as she does. Love you Hannah Banana!!

Sunday- Sunday consisted of celebrating Jenny and Damian's birthdays!! They are cousins and just happen to be born on the same day!! Sooo random, I know! But it's still fun to celebrate together! Jenny turned 9 and Damien turned 8!! I had fun watching the kids hit the heck out of our little pinata! It is always nice to spend time with my family, I want to be with themas much as possible because if I really do leave for a year, they are going to be what I miss the most (including my friends that are like my family!)

Monday- MOnday was the beginning of Spring Break, sort of! But the biggest thing I did was sign up for the class I needed to be certified to teach English Abroad!! Aaahhh!! It was soo crazy!! I had a rush of emotions come through me, because this really is the first step to me actually leaving everything I know for a year. It's scary and exciting all at the same time!! I'm excited... but I almost wish I could take all my fam and friends with me! lol! But thankfully I have my friend Shanon going through this whole process with me, and she will be right by my side! I love her and am very thankful for her great friendship!!!

Anyways... that's it soo far!! Oh and not too mention that The Warrior Dash is right around the corner AAhhh!! And my teacher certification test too!! aaahhhh!! I really need to study for that!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Age...

So, I found out a new pet peeve of mine. I really really really dislike when people do not believe how old I am and ask me to prove it to them. Fols, I am 25!! I should know my own age and have no reason t lie about it. And then I constantly get the "oh you look so young, you'll appreciate it when you get older." ggrrr! i know get mad when they think they look older, but it's the same for when people look younger too.. trust me i know! I just thought this might be a good tpic for a blog, maybe get some feedback and such! Well I think that is all! Later folks!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Osanna made me do it...

Here it is folks! I have a blog.. again! I remember when Kristen tried to make me start one.. it didn't work out so well! SO here I am in 2010 giving it a go! Let's hope it sticks.... although Osanna said she would beat me if I didn't keep it up, so I really don't have a choice! haha!